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GSO Test

Relationship and Health Education

Please click here for the statutory guidance for Relationship and Health Education


Please click here for the Relationship and Health Education policy


Please click here for the curriculum map


Relationship and Health Education letter to parents please click here


Online Parent Platform


 School Username: notre-dame-se18

 School Password: house-21

 Please click here for an Information for Parents Booklet

 Please click here to view the PowerPoint Presentation shown to parents in   September 2022

Year 6 Resilience Workshop - January 2023

Year 6 took part in an RHE workshop. The learned about challenge and resilience. They are now able to identify what resilience is , who or what can support you to become resilient and how you can change because of this.

 Year 6 took part in an RHE workshop. The learned about challenge and resilience. They are now able to identify what resilience is , who or what can support you to become resilient and how you can change because of this.

Prayer Heroes 2022-2023

The New Prayer Heroes for this academic year were selected by the outgoing Prayer Heroes. An application form had to be completed and then the new Prayer Heroes were chosen.

The New Prayer Heroes for this academic year were selected by the outgoing Prayer Heroes. An application form had to be completed and then the new Prayer Heroes were chosen.

Year 5 and Year 6 NSPCC Workshop - October 2022

UKS2 took part in a follow up workshop after last weeks Speak out, stay safe NSPCC assembly.

 UKS2 took part in a follow up workshop after last weeks Speak out, stay safe NSPCC assembly.

Hello Yellow Day 2022

The children dressed in Yellow for Hello Yellow Day to raise awareness and promote good mental health. They raised money for the Young Minds charity and took part in activities as part of the RHE curriculum.

 The children dressed in Yellow for Hello Yellow Day to raise awareness and promote good mental health. They raised money for the Young Minds charity and took part in activities as part of the RHE curriculum.

NSPCC Parents Workshop - October 2022

Many parents turned up to take part in the NSPCC online safety workshop. The feedback was extremely positive with many parents sharing that they had learned so much and would like the school to hold these kind of workshops regularly.

 Many parents turned up to take part in the NSPCC online safety workshop. The feedback was extremely positive with many parents sharing that they had learned so much and would like the school to hold these kind of workshops regularly.


First Aid - Year 6 October 2022

As part of the RHE curriculum, Year 6 took part in a First aid workshop. They children learned how to perform CPR, use a defibrillator, help someone who is choking and know what to do for a nosebleed. These were all life skills and they had a short test at the end. Well done Year 6.

 As part of the RHE curriculum, Year 6 took part in a First aid workshop. They children learned how to  perform CPR, use a defibrillator, help someone who is choking and know what to do for a nosebleed. These were  all life skills and they had a short test at the end. Well done Year 6.

RHE Parents Meeting

Note Dame held an updated parents meeting about the RHE curriculum that is being delivered in school. There was a high turn out of parents and all parents were extremely positive about the curriculum their children are being offered.

 Note Dame held an updated parents meeting about the RHE curriculum that is being delivered in school in September 2022.

There was a high turn out of parents and all parents were extremely positive about the curriculum their children are being offered. 

Year 6 Independent Bus Workshop

As part of the RHE curriculum and as part of the transition programme to secondary school, Year 6 attended an Independent Bus Travel workshop. They took part in a number of scenarios that could possibly happen whilst travelling on a bus or walking alone. The children learned how to keep themselves safe.

 As part of the RHE curriculum and as part of the transition programme to secondary school, Year 6 attended an Independent Bus Travel workshop.

 They took part in a number of scenarios that could possibly happen whilst travelling on a bus or walking alone. The children learned how to keep themselves safe.

DRess to Express - February 2022

Dress to Express - February 2022

The children all took part in Dress to Express day to raise funds and awareness of Children's mental health. During the week, in RHE lessons the children have taken part in activities to raise awareness of mental health and what they can do to support themselves and each other.


First Aid - October 2021

Year 6 had a First Aid workshop in school. This is one of the objectives from the new statutory RHE curriculum - to know basic first aid. 

They had an opportunity to practise CPR as well as learn what to do with bumps, burns, bleeds and choking.

This knowledge could save someone's life.

First Aid - Year 6 October 2021

Year 6 had a First Aid workshop in school. This is one of the objectives from the new statutory RHE curriculum - to know basic first aid. They had an opportunity to practise CPR as well as learn what to do with bumps, burns, bleeds and choking. This knowledge could save someone's life.


 Hello Yellow Day - October 2021

Hello Yellow Day

Year 6 took part in the Young Minds Hello Yellow Day to raise awareness of mental health. They dressed in yellow and took part in many different activities to show that they are not alone with their mental health. It is the little things that we can do that make a big difference.


Year 4 Hello Yellow - October 2021

In year four, we took ten minutes to relax and read to improve our mental wellbeing after playing 'capture the flag', as exercise is another proven way of looking after our mental health. We also played an emotions board game where we had to talk about, draw or act out the emotion we landed on.


cHILDREN'S Mental Health Week        1st-7th FebRuaRY

Children's mental health week is coming up and there are some ideas that could prove useful in the home. Please click on the links below:




Road Safety WorkShop

As part of the RHE curriculum, the children had a road safety workshop where they took part in a quiz to test their knowledge and then learn about keeping safe on the roads by following the road signs around them.




Children in Notre Dame took part in an NSPCC assembly online called Speak out to stay safe.  This covers part of the new RHE curriculum. .

The children learned about who was a trusted adult and what they could do if they were worried or frightened.  The  main message of the assembly was that they have the right to speak out and to be safe!




Odd Socks Day

The children came to school wearing odd socks to celebrate Odd Sock Day which raises awareness of bullying. The children all took part in anti bullying lessons and  were made aware of  the impact that bullying has on a person.